Wild howls
fade like a sunset
in the distance
as you sit by your cozy fire
These Teachers
lift their voices rejoicing
spreading word of their deeds
in sweet oboe like tones
Singing of Wisdom
buried like bones…
"Stagchaser or Ratbane
Guardians at door and gate
We guide the herds
protect old and young
Offering loving therapy
from alleyways to hospitals
More faithful than your shadow
Noble yet humble
We only beg to serve
or dutifully clear your plate
Rogue genetics
tailored for work
Trained for empathetic comfort
Defense and emergency response
Protection, Service and Loyalty!
Our songs
are as varied as our breeds
Beloved by Divine, humble, and royalty
Our great hearts and spirits
only your care in return truly feeds
Yet beware
Don't bite
where only bark will do
twixt humble Truth and Self
should intercede!
Alpha to Omega
Packmates reporting eagerly for duty
awaiting your command
Playful hearts
At Humanity's beck and call
Fetched down throughout the ages
all for the sake
of a warm meal and loving hand"
For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing now?
fade like a sunset
in the distance
as you sit by your cozy fire
These Teachers
lift their voices rejoicing
spreading word of their deeds
in sweet oboe like tones
Singing of Wisdom
buried like bones…
"Stagchaser or Ratbane
Guardians at door and gate
We guide the herds
protect old and young
Offering loving therapy
from alleyways to hospitals
More faithful than your shadow
Noble yet humble
We only beg to serve
or dutifully clear your plate
Rogue genetics
tailored for work
Trained for empathetic comfort
Defense and emergency response
Protection, Service and Loyalty!
Our songs
are as varied as our breeds
Beloved by Divine, humble, and royalty
Our great hearts and spirits
only your care in return truly feeds
Yet beware
Don't bite
where only bark will do
twixt humble Truth and Self
should intercede!
Alpha to Omega
Packmates reporting eagerly for duty
awaiting your command
Playful hearts
At Humanity's beck and call
Fetched down throughout the ages
all for the sake
of a warm meal and loving hand"
For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing now?
“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion” Unknown
“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.” Roger Caras
Dogs are as many and varied as Man, but have been more often glorified in story,
literature, poetry, song and film than possibly any other animal… and justly so! Some exemplify strengths, others demonstrate canine foolishness, and although each fictional Dog has a character all its own, together one can see the traits that make Dog so beloved by hum
The domesticated relative of the Wolf, dogs retain puppy qualities throughout their lives that their wilder Cousins shed with youth. Perhaps this is the reason wolves look down on, and even go out of their way to harass or even harm the domesticated canine. Perhaps old tales where wolves resent that dogs not only abandoned the Pack, but gave their devotion and service to Humanity instead have more than a grain of Truth in them. Years of being hunted down and driven out by the partnership dogs forged with man is certainly reason enough.
Dog is a Teacher who carries both the Wisdom of Compassion/Empathy, as well
as Protection and Play. Dog often exemplifies what we truly mean when we refer to "humane" as a laudable quality. When drawn to Dog, one should examine as many breeds and relations as possible as they are all interconnected. German Shepherds, for example, were bred to help herd sheep, to protect the home and family. Noted for their intelligence, they are frequently trained as Police and Guide dogs. A “working” dog, Shepherds like order, rules, structure, regular physical activity as well as mental stimuli, and as pets have often earned the nickname “fun police” in their endeavors to keep the home environment harmonious. “Rough-housing” and general tickle-fests are usually met with worried barking, and even running in the house can be met with a reprimanding bark or two.
Shepherds, like many dogs, don’t like to be alone either, being very sociable creatures, and will act out in amazing ways if left alone too often. I’ve heard stories of Shepherds who let their owners know, in no uncertain terms, that they were displeased with them. These stories usually involve a large steaming dump taken on the owner’s pillow, shoes or other prized possession, or the dramatic destruction of things like couches, walls, clothing, etc. Dogs are not known for their subtlety!
Our own dogs are much happier with the efforts our family makes for communication to work reasonably in both directions. They work very hard to communicate their needs and desires to us, and forgive us our inability to speak their language daily. We have learned some of their key words, just as they have learned some of ours… “breakfast”, “lunch”, “dinner”, “hungry”, “park”, “walk”… you know, all the really important words.
I once got up in the middle of a conversation with a friend as we sat eating a snack around the dining room table. I brought back my dog’s food and water bowls, setting them down nearby. He asked why I had done this, and I replied that she wanted them and had felt left out watching us eat. He asked how I knew this, and I said, “She told me with her eyes.” Dodie Smith, author of the original story 101 Dalmatians, understood that dogs speak volumes with just their eyes. In this much beloved tale, she mentions that Pongo and Missus often tried to use eye words to communicate with their humans, but the one eye word they always understood was love. I have found this to be true.
Science shows us that over time we have literally bred dogs for a variety of jobs, needs and qualities. It also shows us that every dog is genetically hardwired to be attentive to our emotions, as opposed to their wolf cousins who could care less about our state, emotional or otherwise.* Dogs are pre-disposed to be aware of our emotional needs, making them natural therapy animals; some might even argue that dogs invented and defined the job! Nursemaids, they have patiently cuddled children afraid in the dark, or kissed away tears for countless generations. Literally protecting our sleeping generations from a variety of threats like attack, robbery, or even fire, dogs have befriended our species in a way that few other Nature Teachers have experienced. They perform silly antics when we've had a bad day, knowing instinctively that we truly need a good laugh. Dogs press a warm shoulder to your leg or rest a chin on your foot to remind you that you aren't alone, whatever trouble may arise.
Dogs, however well trained, are more likely to ask for forgiveness than permission when it comes down to something they really really want. They are pretty clear about what they do and do not like whether it comes to potential edibles or competition for attention. Basically honest creatures, Dogs will growl at and follow suspiciously anyone they do not like or trust, hide when they are scared, leap for joy at the sight of their leash in their humans hand, turn up their noses at food they don’t like with utter disdain, and eagerly await a treat with obvious, oft times drooling or prancing, anticipation. Generally, you know where you stand with a Dog right up front.
Dogs also prefer to convey and respond to such social stimuli without a major fuss; to establish pack order with as little actually fighting as possible, conserving energy better spent elsewhere. I highly recommend the Nova special Dogs Decoded* which studies our complex interaction and impact on this Creature Teacher. Science has discovered that Dogs are highly adept at reading Human emotions, and are capable of far more thinking than we have ever given them credit for! I also recommend Diane Duane's fictional work, The Wizard's Dilemma, as one of the most profound and insightful looks at Dog and our relationship with this Teacher. Body language, studying communication and mindfulness are generally useful as are any forms of creative expression. I have met many Dog people. Some are very comfortable expressing themselves and others are not. Discipline and Expression are key areas for us.
Dog people are most successful when they can harness their keen instincts and sensitive nature with Awareness and Discipline. As a metaphoric example, every dog has a keen sense of smell. Not every dog has trained to use their keen senses to find and rescue people lost in the wilderness, cleverly hidden drugs or bombs. Whatever kind of Dog you are, embrace that fully. Exercises in Awareness and Mindfulness are just as vitally important to just about anyone in to my compassionate way of thinking, but Dogs especially benefit from an early start and strong support system. Yoga being a regular thing in my life before school was carried me through a lot of early trauma far beyond what I might not have endured if I had not had that and a few other sturdy tools on my belt to use in life. Dogs of all breeds require exercise, and so do people. Walking is not only good for us physically, but also incredibly important to the mental and emotional well-being of both dogs and people.
Finding yourself consumed with anger about a situation? Walk until you feel calm enough to think rationally again. Walking allows us time for thought, reflection, and if we walk long enough, transcending all our daily clutter to achieve a meditative state. Regular exercise helps us to combat a variety of ills from obesity to stress. Choosing exercise over say a tub of ice cream and your favorite T.V. show requires discipline. Awareness, to me, begins within and spreads outward. It is important to be mindful of our own needs, behaviors, choices and feelings. If you can't love yourself in a healthy balanced manner, you will project what is wrong outward onto those you love.
Dogs also prefer to convey and respond to such social stimuli without a major fuss; to establish pack order with as little actually fighting as possible, conserving energy better spent elsewhere. I highly recommend the Nova special Dogs Decoded* which studies our complex interaction and impact on this Creature Teacher. Science has discovered that Dogs are highly adept at reading Human emotions, and are capable of far more thinking than we have ever given them credit for! I also recommend Diane Duane's fictional work, The Wizard's Dilemma, as one of the most profound and insightful looks at Dog and our relationship with this Teacher. Body language, studying communication and mindfulness are generally useful as are any forms of creative expression. I have met many Dog people. Some are very comfortable expressing themselves and others are not. Discipline and Expression are key areas for us.
Dog people are most successful when they can harness their keen instincts and sensitive nature with Awareness and Discipline. As a metaphoric example, every dog has a keen sense of smell. Not every dog has trained to use their keen senses to find and rescue people lost in the wilderness, cleverly hidden drugs or bombs. Whatever kind of Dog you are, embrace that fully. Exercises in Awareness and Mindfulness are just as vitally important to just about anyone in to my compassionate way of thinking, but Dogs especially benefit from an early start and strong support system. Yoga being a regular thing in my life before school was carried me through a lot of early trauma far beyond what I might not have endured if I had not had that and a few other sturdy tools on my belt to use in life. Dogs of all breeds require exercise, and so do people. Walking is not only good for us physically, but also incredibly important to the mental and emotional well-being of both dogs and people.
Finding yourself consumed with anger about a situation? Walk until you feel calm enough to think rationally again. Walking allows us time for thought, reflection, and if we walk long enough, transcending all our daily clutter to achieve a meditative state. Regular exercise helps us to combat a variety of ills from obesity to stress. Choosing exercise over say a tub of ice cream and your favorite T.V. show requires discipline. Awareness, to me, begins within and spreads outward. It is important to be mindful of our own needs, behaviors, choices and feelings. If you can't love yourself in a healthy balanced manner, you will project what is wrong outward onto those you love.
It is important to be Aware of and take into consideration the needs, etc. of others. Am I growling at others when I am really frustrated with myself? Am I enabling myself to make easier choices rather than better ones? Am I giving away too much of my time to others, and ignoring my own needs? Am I not being heard, or are my needs being ignored or belittled? Do I recognize that things like "play" or "nap" time are valid needs too? Am I complaining about the behavior/choices of others when I should be focusing on improving my own behavior/choices? Being aware of your own needs is important too. No one can pour from an empty cup. You yourself are just as worthy of the love and care you would give generously to others.
These are all good Dog questions I have asked myself at one time or another. Reminders dogs throughout my life have taught and reminded me of; Serica, Tonka, Rogue, Louboy, Morticia just to name a few good friends. There are all things that can cause us to bark and snap at each other. There are also little gestures that make others smile, laugh, their own signs they send back that they love us too. Coffee made in the morning, a glass refilled or brought to you is possibly one of the simplest gestures of courtesy and kindness. Offering drink and food are one of the oldest forms of Hospitality, another Dog area of study. Dog people tend to form packs that they are fiercely loyal as well, making it extremely important for those called by this Teacher to choose wisely where and to what extent to apply our Loyalty.
Supporting one's friends for example, is good. Supporting them blindly, however, even when their choices are harming themselves or others is not good or healthy for anyone. Seeing the good, the best potential, in others is a gift. Recognizing that everyone also has a Shadow where they hide their less laudable deeds, motivations and choices takes Wisdom. Choosing to remain silent when there is a need to speak up or feeling as if your voice is not being heard causes blockages and imbalances in the Throat Chakra, base of our throats at center of the larynx. Our throat is our gateway to communication, self-expression, communication, authenticity.
Imbalances show up in problems in communication self-expression, angry biting words, shouting, lies, slander, complaining without working to solve anything, whining, "foaming at the mouth" over some issue you seem to have fixated on, "running your mouth", "shooting your mouth off", "barking up the wrong tree". Other signs of blockage can include challenges in communicating thoughs, emotions, needs confidently or clearly. Feeling unheard or consistently misunderstood. Which often leads to fears of rejection, criticism, and judgement which is crushing to the Good Dog spirit.
Nobody would feel good if they were told they were a "Bad Dog", chained out back, ignored the majority of the time except for the occasional kick or bone tossed their way. This leads to dissatisfaction, depression, self-doubt, anxiety, serious lack of artistic creativity, and well... a lot shitting in your shoes. Loyal loving dogs often Stay when they really should go and find themselves another home. Trauma is often an early marker in the life of these stray souls, along with Resilience. Domestic abuse, molestation, sexual assault, gender identity with home conflict are often markers for Dog people, dogears in the pages of the book of our lives.
Positive Statements for Throat Chakra communicate confidently and with ease.
I feel comfortable speaking my mind.
I am balanced in speaking and listening.
I am an active listener.
I speak my true thoughts with clarity.
I set clear boundaries.
I hear and speak the truth.
I communicate with respect and courage.
My voice is necessary.
I feel free to express my creativity.
Dog's tail indicates that Sacral and Root Chakra are also key to this Teacher. Sacral Chakra is our gateway to pleasure both giving and receiving, sexualty, joy and handles our inner child, emotional wellbeing, and sexual selves. Root Chakra handles our health, well-being, feelings of safety, security, survival and is the seat of our personal authority. Problems in these areas may benefit by getting in touch with your inner Dog. Many people who have suffered severe traumas from war to rape have benefitted in ways they never imagined by pairing with a service dog.
Space or Akasha is the element needed to soothe, blue like a sunny sky is the color of communication, openness and tranquility. Lotus is a good balancing Teacher to turn to, but many Trees make great friends as well when looking for help in balancing. Most help get you up out of all that mud too. Dogs and Trees often get together faster than you can say, "Fetch!" Remember all that walking? Dogs love nature and it is good for us whether we engage with it alone or in groups. Body practices, creatively stimulating and expressive activities are good for Dogs. Dance, yoga, walking, swimming, volleyball, board or video games, laser tag, paintball, crafts, painting or art in any medium, live music/entertainment... anything that brings you a sense of play, fun, and even a little adventure, brings out the explorer in curious playful Dog people and sets their tails wagging.
Choose people for your pack who are willing to recognize and work on their own issues; we all have them. Choose people who would rather help you up than keep you down. Nobody ever made themselves great by tearing at others. Do you feel drained after being with someone, wound up with anxiety, guilt, or stress? If they can't manage their emotional selves better after calling attention to the issue, perhaps they don't belong in your pack. Perhaps most importantly, choose to be one of those people who look out for and support others rather than tearing the legs out from under them or pissing on their hopes and dreams.
Nobody likes that shit. Not even dogs. I once read a news article of a dog who traveled miles just for the satisfaction of biting its previous abusive owner. My dad had a dog so awful that a year after it had died, the other dogs dug up its bones just to piss on it. In the film Addams Family Morticia reveals their motto, "We gladly feast upon those who would consume us." Nobody will love you as fiercely, loyally, devotedly as a dog. They will also never forget those who abused them and not deserving of their merciful love.
Mary Shelley who created an entire genre of literature in an age when everyone knew women couldn't Think as they were inferior creatures had Frankenstein's Creation speak the words, "I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other." I have always believed she rocked the world because she was the first to give so many women held captive in silence a voice. She freed the Throat Chakra of her generation, and we still whisper her name. Keeper of hearth, hospitality, compassionate care and guidance. Playful and steadfast, I only hope I can be half the person my dogs believe I am.
“He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being; by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.) When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags.
Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion. With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. His head on my knee can heal my human hurts. His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. He has promised to wait for me… whenever… wherever " in case I need him. And I expect I will " as I always have. He is just my dog." Gene Hill
Potential Balancing Energies for dogs in general: Wolf, Coyote, Dingo, Hyena, Fox and other Canines, Cats, Snakes, Deer, Cattle, Horse, Rabbits, Sheep, Fish, Frog, Squirrel, Rat and other Rodents Birds like Crow, Duck, Chicken, Turkey, Blue Jay, or Hawk, Insects like Fly, Tick, Flea, Grasshoppers, Lightning Bugs, Beetle, Lepidoptera, and Arachnids. Plants like Dog Rose, Orange, Rose, Daisy, Dogwood, Willow, Redwood, Fir, Birch, Beech, Cedar, Linden, Maple, Wisteria, Pennyroyal, Rye and other Grasses, Greater/Lesser Plantain, Pine, Oak, Apple, Cherries or Sweet Potatoes. Water, Earth, the Moon, and stars like Sirius. Stones like Peridot, Brown Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Chalcedony, Amazonite, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Hematite, Amethyst, Jasper, Moonstone, Prehenite, Carnelian.
Associated Deities, Mythic and Popular figures: Numerous fictional works from Rin Tin Tin to Frank from Men in Black. The Fool, Brighid, Hecate, Hades, Cerebus, Anubis, Wepwawet, Set, Osiris, Xolotl, Mars, Kukkuripa, Kukuraja, Bau, Inanna, Leto, Artemis, Apollo, Zeus, Romulus, Remus, Odin, Fenrir, Indra, Cuchulainn
Key Concepts: Loyalty, Devotion/Unconditional Love, Protection, Empathy, Companionship, Nobility/Royalty, Faithfulness, Spiritual/Divine guardianship, Service, Selflessness/Selfishness, finding the hidden, sensing the unseen, and healing, Faith, Trust, Tracking/Hunting, Adventure/Curiosity, Vocalizing Truths,
Faithful service, loving devotion, the small becoming great, Instinct and Reason in harmony, noble heart, great spirit… Dog embodies all of these things. Whether human or canine, Alphas exemplify all that is best in the breed, the Leader everyone turns to for direction because they seem to have all together even if they themselves don't always feel so confident. Encanto's Luisa Madrigal is a wonderful example of a someone who feels a strong sense of obligation to her family and community yet also struggles with issues of confidence and the pressure those feelings of obligation bring her.
Well-balanced Dogs inspire us to better ourselves by being as generous to ourselves as we are being loving with our fellows, work diligently for the good of all, and to become that which inspires us, to be a leader and set a good example for your pack, the World. Omegas are the easy-going Diplomats in the pack that everyone loves. The ones who seem able to talk to just about anyone inside or outside the pack, hear them out whenever there is a dispute Get folks talking, the Negotiators the Bridge to Outsiders. Omegas can connect with just about anyone but have a hard time standing alone. Within the pack is an array that they support between them. Is it any wonder that so many people are enamored of this marvelous and generous Creature Teacher? How does Dog appear in your life?

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