Sunday, November 6, 2022



I am the Revolution
I know
I accept
I believe
I am
I love me
I am strength
I am love. Love is a Force of Creation
Creation lives Within and is without end
I am enough
I change as needed
I adapt
I grow
I have been given a sacred gift to defend
I do not hesitate to defend the sacred
I wound
I heal
I die
I recreate
I transform
I revolve
I dream
I am perfect imperfection
an evolving Masterpiece
living emotions
eating experiences 
vomiting lies unconsumed
toxins rejected from the soul up
laughing at the joy and absurdity
I trust my wings to catch me
I am the Sky
I am the Revolution
I am becoming you
the path is a spiral
leading ever inward
a place of peace
where we walk each other home
The door
through which we pass 
as often as we must
to become you
the Revolution