Thursday, November 26, 2015

Bardic Shield

Blessed by Thor 
Servant of Mars
Guardians of Dagda's valley
Whispering their wisdom
to Druids
Teaching their lore
to Bards
Down through the ages
these Singers 
open their doors 
share their songs
for you
“As above, so below!
From tiny courageous seed,
mighty strength will grow
Ancient priests once tended
our cathedral groves;
Our Wisdom shared
through cleansing smoke,
rituals, medicine and humble loaves.
Heart of lightning,
timeless doors opening
within my ancient bole
I will strengthen, feed you;
body, mind, and soul
Dig deep!
Hold true!
I will awaken
The primal King
The enduring Bard
within you.

Ancestral Wisdom
passed down
through the ages.
With my guidance,
all Humanity
might blossom into sages!”

For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. can you guess who is singing today?  Congrats to Alan Katruska, Sharonlee, Beada Beada, Stephen Berwaldt, and Jaguarwombyn for naming this Teacher!

“Our ordinary mind always tries to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness will be to become bigger, fatter, shinier acorns; but that is of interest only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge of something better: that we can become oak trees.” E.F. Schumacher

Oak trees are associated with strength, wisdom, lightning, longevity, protection, stability, sun energy, success, vitality, and matters of law. The burning of Oak leaves was once regarded in the same manner as the burning of Sage is now; to purify, clear of negativity, to honor and invite Spirit, and create a prayerful meditative state. Acorns can be prepared as food in a variety of ways, and “cakes” or bread from this nut are particularly tasty. 

The leaves and bark of the Oak are the main parts to be used medicinally. Over time, Oak has been used to treat wounds, inflamed eyes, cuts and burns, as a mouthwash for bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and as a gargle for sore throats. A decoction of the bark has been used for reducing fevers, diarrhea, dysentery, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

There are about 400 species of Oak tree found around the world. The oldest Oak is either the Pechanga Great Oak in Temecula California, or the Kongeegen found in Denmark. The largest oak on record is known as the “The Seven Sisters Oak” in Lewisburg, Mandeville, Lousiana. It measures 37 feet and 2 inches in circumference with a crown spread of 150 feet! It is believed to be more than 1,000 years old! Oak is highly prized by furniture makers for it’s attractive appearance, and is equally prized by wine makers for sturdy barrels that lend a unique flavor to the wine.

This “King of Trees” in Ogham could be translated as “Duir”. Found in both Gaelic and in Sanskrit, this word means “door”. Oaks are not only a most popular choice as the door to our homes, but also represent doors to new understanding, enlightenment, visions, strengths, wisdom, or other worlds. Oaks are particularly susceptible to lightning strikes, due to their size. This is why they have so often been associated with lightning, thunder and sky deities. Including the Slavic god Perun, a reflection of the older Proto Indo European deity Perkwunos. 

An excellent friend for anyone needing strength, fertility of thought, and new understanding of an old problem. I always walk away from my Oak friends feeling centered, bristling with new ideas, and brimming with fresh strength of purpose. Many oaks that I have encountered during the leafy seasons seem more lively, swifter to notice our attention, and in making decisions on whether or not to engage than other species. Even very young oaks seem to reach out and touch us with their energy as we pass, inviting us to stay and chat awhile. During the winter, Oaks can dream deep and become a dominate voice in this quiet season; clusters of their weathered leaves like rattles in the whistling winds singing of ancient memories.

Especially revered by the Ancient Celts and Norse, the Oak is the traditional Yule log lit by druids to reignite everyone’s family fires at the beginning of each year. This hearth fire renewal ceremony brought and sustained protection, success, strength, stability, healing, rebirth, purification, wisdom and fortune into the home each year. Oak is also the tree of Midsummer, a time when the Holly King gives way to the power of the Oak King, and the longest day of the year. Many ancient cultures celebrated Midsummer as a time of fertility, renewal, protection, and luck.

“Scientists have only recently confirmed what ancient cultures have known for centuries: mushrooms have within them some of the most potent medicines found in nature. We know that their cellular constituents can profoundly improve the quality of human health.” ~ Paul Stamets

Experts today estimate that only one in every 10,000 acorns produced actually becomes an Oak tree. It takes 20 to 50 years for an oak to achieve the maturity necessary to begin producing acorns. Oak speaks to us of taking a long well-seasoned look at life, and how we choose to live every day. Oak trees live in amazing harmony with the World around them; from their relationship to stars, to the their symbiotic relationship with various fungi, the Oak shows us how to develop beneficial relationships and be Aware of how we interact with All Our Relations. The edible mushroom known as “Sheepshead” or “Hen of the Forest” is notorious for growing on the roots of Oaks. Scientists are just beginning to discover the nutritional and medicinal values of the many Mushroom Teachers.

It was only recently observed that mushrooms, like the Sheepshead, dried while exposed to sunlight provide an excellent nutritional source of the elusive Vitamin D, in addition to being a naturally high fiber low fat source of protein once cooked. We naturally produce this vitamin when exposed to sunlight, but good nutritional sources become important to residents of areas notorious for their lack of sunshine. Oaks are ruled by the Sun, and can provide us with Solar energy in vital ways. Perhaps more than any other Tree Teacher, the Oak speaks of tradition and honor, teaches the enduring value in poetry, music, language, oral traditions, storytelling, and expressive communication. An afternoon is never lost in their company, no matter the season.

“The Monarch Oak, the Patriarch of trees, shoots rise up and spread by slow degrees; Three centuries he grows, and three he stays supreme in state, and in three more decays.” English saying

Key Concepts: Strength, Honor, Doorways, Law, Masculine Creativity and energies, Solar energy, Ancestors, Leadership, Lightning and Thunder, Truth, Protection, Thought, Fae energy, Wisdom, Stability, Success, Longevity

Associated Gods, Goddesses or Mythic figures: Perun, Dagda, Zeus, Jupiter, Mars, Taranis, Thor, Pan, Herne, Rhea, Hecate, Cybele, Cerridwen, Brighid, Janus, Herne, Cernunnos, Lugh Lamfada

Potential Balancing Energies: Birds like sparrow, crow, robin, blue jay, blackbird, hawk, owl, eagle, turkey, and thunderbird, animals like pigs, cows, sheep, goats, squirrels, skunks, rabbits, bears, snakes, frogs, toads, raccoons, and salmon. Other plants like dandelion, sunflower, grass, angelica, fungi and other trees. lighting, thunder, sky, earth, stones, water, air, stars and fire.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Postcard from the Taj Mahal

We adapt
Polished to a high luster
by heat ,time, pressure
We form at the edges
between movement

Like fond caresses
traces of mica, 
chert, or quartz
across our face
We bring lessons 
of stability
poise and grace

We can teach you
self control
We neutralize acids
Offering elegant protection
remembered dreams
mastery of thought

From ancient temples' 
columned halls
to the poignant effigy 
of Shelley,
poet drowned.
Animation suspended
La Pieta
Winged Victory 
David before his battle
Lincoln in contemplative repose
Rodin's kiss.

preserved for the ages,

Children knuckling down
playing games 
in cosmic dust

Aphrodite of Milos
and the Love entombed
beneath the crown of palaces
pristine domes. 
Patiently roughed out
with hammer and chisel

Easily carven
Polished, poised
yet harder 
with each day that turns
as a Grecian urn.

For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom. Can you guess who is singing?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Order of the Iron Rose

Rust red and dusky black 
sullen tears of Mars.
We only reveal our 
argent shadows
once polished smooth.
We can help keep you
Cool, calm, collected
well centered
well grounded
well organized
physically, mentally, emotionally
Confident, courageous
relieved of anxieties
Hot flashes of stress or temper
Feeling fit and ready for combat
Safe inside our sphere of influence
where no negativity can breech our defense
you can choose and plan your battles wisely
We can draw you 
into moments of meditative ease 
where you can make more choices 
that will balance body mind and spirit
We will teach you 
how to spin
a strong silver chord
for your travels, 
young warrior,
that you may always find your way home
We stimulate your survival center
unlocking ancestral memories
sharpening mental focus
Cut us
We will bleed for you
Loyal soldiers 
with magnetic personalities
We stand ready to help you regroup 
after any difficulty
Sleep soundly and heal
We've got your back

For those new to the game, each piece is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant, etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?