Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mother's Breath

Inhale Wisdom. 
Exhale Freedom 

I surround you always. 
I am there 
for every babe's first cry 

in each peal of laughter 
or wailing lament, 
every life's last sigh 

I stir 
in any song ever sung 
I whisper 
through the flight of birds 
I rage 
through storms far flung 
I am 
the very thought 
and action of your words 

I whistle 
through every season 
I cut 
through miscommunication 
with reason 
I rest 
in countless rusted wrecks 
I blow 
inspiration gently your way 
I breeze 
around the world with varying affect 
I dance 
within the ocean's salty spray 

feed fire 

split stone 

bind water 

The sky is my only limit! 

Inhale Spirituality 
Exhale Change 

Each singing poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature. I'm feeling rather uncertain about this one as it is so very different. Can you guess who is singing?

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