Saturday, September 30, 2023


Sacred Surfers from the Savage Garden

We waddle we paddle 
with comical ease
Watermoles digging
from steady earth to flowing brooks.
glowing in mysterious shades unseen
Bills purring, squeaking, cooing, growling
humble brown yet in shadow
purple, blue, green
we sing our wisdom.
four broad webbed feet
pushing us forward
thick tails like rudders 
steering us 
surely through eddies 
currents along the river.

Unique curious diplomats 
We invite you
to swim waking through
your dreams.
Listen, Learn, Work
Bright eyes closed
sensing electric sparks of life
Grins wide
letting humor guide you in darkness
charming, disarming
to conceal secrets
like milk of amnesia
perhaps better kept
closer to the vest
Cuddly cute
best keep an eye 
on our boots though
one of us carries
 pain venomed daggers
that would drop you to your knees.
Only she will slumber so
curled upon the throne of 
egg bejeweled nest.

Seekers in murky waters
Leave no stone unturned
in your sacred quest
Accept all your diverse parts
Reject nothing, hide nothing
from yourself
Everything begins within
Wisdom, Love, Change, Fortune
Want to heal the world?
Start with you.
Adapt to your own potential.
Knowledge is power
which can mean the difference
between surviving and thriving
Mysterious puggle
Private Investigator
Sensing always 
more than meets the eye.

For those new to the game, each piece in the Singing series is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Temerarious Tempest Reader in a Teacup

Temerarious Tempest Reader in a Teacup

Clever Crocutas serving high tea and trading omens 

upon the shadowed ceiling of their oracular cave

Striped, spotted, earthy brown

Ferocious matriarchs, relentless Houdinis

never quite where or what you expect

Lunar priestesses, cloisonne pots steaming sigils 

from Serengeti to Caucasus

Leading cackling feliform carnivoran packs.

Turning surviving into thriving

the way high rollers turn a pittance 

into winner's stacks.

Roll them bones! 

Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

Set yourself free from fears. 

There is the cave that holds 

the treasure you seek.

Giggle, chuckle, fill nights with cocksure glee.

Howl with the absurd hilarity 

run mad as often as you please,

but do not faint, Fanny, 

Oscar, so wild, combing your manes!

It could all turn on a dime. 

Tails, you run!

Life is the grand game, 

yet no one gets out alive.

Master that throat chakra, folks!

Clarity in communication 

is worth more than being shy, quaint.

Nobody has time for that. 

Laughter reduces shadows.

Good medicine for everything 

except broken ribs.

Having some left at the end of the day

means there is still hope for tomorrow.

Laughter and tears

soap for the soul.

Moods are contagious.

Be courageous.

Stand in your truth.

Hunt diligently for the right words

rather than scavenge for what you can make use of 

just because it is laying close at hand, MacGyver.

Tough enough to laugh first at yourself, fool.

Consult the Clan.

Hear our concert.

Create your oasis.

Fierce bite protects loyal heart.

Ready your battle plans.

Lead from the center of the mud puddle

Shenzi, Banzai... Ed

Everything light and shadow touches

Crown your lunacy 

while shifting shape

on the crossroads of your desert

For those new to the game, each piece in the Singing series is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?

Hyenas have often gotten a bad reputation in folklore or symbolically, been cast as the villains, deceitful brutes or just dirty scavengers. In truth they more solidly represent the duality of nature, both worthy and brutal. Hyenas can hunt alone or in packs. They are capable of strategic thinking, fearless courage, great strength, resourceful, adaptable, resilient and yet all four species are most known for their barking which sounds so much like laughter. Hyena could represent fear, chaos, darkness, powers from beyond the void and the messengers that travel between carrying power, even death... and the laughter that exposes all those things, breaks their hold and dispels them, protection from all the evils that go bump in the night. 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Puirt à beul of the Maringouin

 Puirt à Beul of the Maringouin 

Whining hum

Here they come

Back again

Forever complaining

Incessant at the gate of every ear

since the dawn of time

226 million years

if it has been a minute, surely.

they come

as surely as winter thaws into spring


Oh yes go right ahead!

Help yourself

I see your narrow crystalline grin

revealing nary a jagged tooth

Butter wouldn't melt there!

Are you all world's worst come again?

Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles, oh my!

Click my ruby heels

Not saccharine little old you?

Something more savory?

Something with a little spice?

Bite down nevertheless

Dig deep, 

not to the bone for your savory fare

just beneath the skin is far enough

Needling everyone around you

Work them into a rash, a fever

Set the world abuzz!

Slaver, drool over your feast

Swamp angel, Nighthawk

Spreading plague

Sowing discontent

Breeding anger, lies, rumors, gossip, envy

Make them itch with malcontent

Derision dropping easier than blood

from another wayward prick

Rub everyone the wrong way

Perhaps turning even the air toxic around you

Dispersing along paths of least resistance

with hardly more than an errant slap

as a screening process 

to inoculate the masses

from the black vomit 

unrelenting scourge

of our droning 

repellant asses


Curse the day that ever we were born?

Think you are the first do you?

Let it go

All things pass eventually

even if they pass like hailstones

Even us, 

Passing through cycles

through lives, rooms, dreams, veils

Vectors unstudied yet


Valuable to the fabric of life

in the extremist of conditions

Delicate enough to carry

a spark of creation

spreading verdant life 

as easily as devastating disease

Balance in recycling motion

Yin Yang


The water's mirror will still once more


Rise above




Transform as reason and season dictate

Be objective

Be present

Be here


Sing in our ears

Hum along if you don't know the words

You are 

the very cure you seek

Physician heal thyself

Spread the cure

Save the World

For those new to the game, each piece in the Singing series is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?

p.s. whew! lol It has been a minute.  ;) just wanted to say, this is the first completely new Teacher poem I have managed since my mom passed. Like it or not lol I am pleased with this Shadow Teacher's song that has been humming in my ears a little louder every year since mom slipped the veil in 2018. more importantly to my heart, I know Mom would be so pleased and would laugh when I told her about this one. She always was so pleased, each and every time I had something to stick up on the fridge she carried around in her Mom heart since day one. I was so very lucky to have her. <3 Congratulations to Cathi on being the first to name this Creature Teacher! 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Coursing River Dividing My Heart

 Warning: therapy poetry.... it ain't pretty people. so, if you don't have the space for it today, skip this one. It needs somewhere to live other than my body. That's all. It doesn't need anything, just... air. lol

Coursing River Dividing My Heart 

I sang your name to you

while you dreamed in your shell

I loved you with a wild joy

before either of us knew who you were

You seemed to see the world with a heart of compassion

You seemed to want to love it whole, happy, sane again

like I once did

as a foolish girl with dreams too large

I tried to shelter your heart close to mine as you grew

while letting you grow in your own directions

I tried to guard, to guide, to listen, to hear

Above all, believe you 

when you took the time to speak to me

I saw when you began to hide and lie to me

It happens when we leave childhood behind

Life batters us, distracts, confuses

We all stumble, lose our way

Love is the source

All that heals, binds, lifts us up, inspires, makes worthy

We gather, share, to make ourselves not only happy but stronger

Beacons of light

So my mother taught me

So Life has shown

So I believe

So I instructed

I didn't understand when you began lying to yourself

I didn't understand when you began treating yourself like a victim

I didn't understand when you stopped listening to me, hearing me, believing me

I didn't understand when you began to treat me more like a roommate than a parent

I damn sure don't understand when you went from "I would never do that to you, Mom"

to ripping my heart out so casually

leaving it on the floor like a forgotten toy

without a word, or a picture, or a scribble, not even one smile from your kids

while their presents pile up at graves that don't yet exist

to punish me for being your parent

to punish me for being the roof over your head and theirs

to punish me for being there to care for your children every day for years

diapers, baths, bedtime, meals, stories 

just as I did every day for you

not just come and see Yaya so she can give you sweets

then go home after a visit


I fell asleep exhausted next to them 

at the end of long days

Just like I did next to you and your siblings

a second parenthood I never earned nor complained of

How awful when Aunt So and So cut off precious Grandma

never did let her see those boys again

How evil when that sociopath denied me

the ability to see our first grandson

for an entire year

before she went and got him killed when he was just 3

Devastated the whole family

Why would anyone use their own child as a tool to cause pain,

or like a commodity with which to punish or reward?

Generational Trauma unleashed

Off the hook, connections unmade

"I would never do that to you, Mom"

I can still feel your arms around me as you said that


Nothing was enough to stop you

from dividing my heart

with your piercing river




From Texas to college and therapy

You rolled over all my concerns

with what you simply desired

as careless as a river in full flood

No thought to the damage you will leave in your wake

No empathy for the mourners left wailing along your banks

never to reclaim their loved ones for proper burial


by your piercing river

that should have brought love, healing, a renewal of wisdom

instead of this unnatural disaster

Because I insisted

Get Therapy or Get Out 

for serious abusive issues 

to a no job boyfriend

who just moved into the house

depressing the entire family

after two years of being forced to live in silence

against my will, better judgement, sanity, personal faith

all while I watch the campaign being run against me

the scapegoat

on the other side of your widening river

My heart dissolves slowly

like banks too soft to withstand yet another rain

While your sister

who refused to be a living light

laughs and tells me

You were not tactful enough, Mother


I could cry my own river 

with how much I miss her

but I am thankful she 

my Mom, the original Black Sheep,

isn't here to see any of this bullshit

We loved too much

She and I

We may be divided

You and I


I will not be drowned 

by your silly trickle, my little love

For Love is the source

Not me

Not you

No matter how you flow 

nor how we rage or grieve

You too will return to the source eventually

Though I may storm now

eventually my love will lie calm again 

Reflecting that perfect light 

back to you once again

Perhaps a sailboat or two


upon the ribbon of the river

dividing my heart