Scarlet and gold cover the land
warm spicy scents fill the air,
mountain laurel and rich earth,
as Bounty spills forth
filling waiting hands.
filling waiting hands.
her bassoon voice
drifts like morning mist,
her bassoon voice
drifts like morning mist,
ripe with meaning…
full of choice…
“We cradle creation
within our souls!
In harmony,
we dance in silence…
by the watchful hunters,
Graceful we pass through thickest wild.
We appear,
Caught by someone's roving eye,
nibbling twigs and leaves
nibbling twigs and leaves
Ungainly and awkward
water lilies dripping from our lips
water lilies dripping from our lips
A face only Mother could love
is just as beautiful to a loving heart,
and every woman is Mother to someone
if only herself.
A brave crown adorns Father’s brow
but Mother's intuition needs
nothing more than
“hear!” and “now!”
Born with open eyes,
we see with an open heart
we will teach you how to start
when to cling and when to part..
when to be gentle
when to be bold
when to be silent and
do as you’re told!
Find within
thy endless grace,
Be proud!
Be humble!
And with steady pace
thou shalt never stumble.
Strength unguessed you carry
run to yourself and do not tarry!"
Wisdom shining from every brow…
Who sings now?
For those new to the game, each singing poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?
“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
“Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.” William Hazlitt
“Of all the wonders of nature, a tree in summer is perhaps the most remarkable; with the possible exception of a moose singing “Embraceable You” in spats." Woody Allen
Moose is one of the most ancient Totems, and the Wisdom she carries is equally as vital today for women and men. Moose is the largest member of the Deer family, so they share a lot of the same lessons. Rapid healing, Universal Love, Kindness, and Compassion for self and others are all Deer lessons shared by Moose, along with being careful how you move through life as our actions and reactions affect more than just ourselves. Moose, however, speaks most often about reaching a state of perfect understanding of self, a blossoming of confidence, so that we may move through life as the best example of a nurturing and compassionate individual. Every member of this family should be examined by those who feel called by Moose as they are inter-related. Confidence in all it’s facets is the Wisdom of Moose.
Adult Moose cows weigh 800 to 1,300 pounds and bulls weigh 1,200 to 1,600 pounds. Larger even than their cousins Ek, a small adult Moose can easily stand about 6 feet at the shoulder. When you add the impressive rack of antlers of the bulls that can stretch five feet across, it is instantly apparent what powerful creatures Moose are, and yet they can move with such uncanny grace and self-assurance that they can pass right by you in the forest and you might never know they were there! Antlers are a Totem’s reminder that we have unseen “antennas” that act as conduits between ourselves and Divine energy. Listen to your intuition and keep a dream journal to better understand your abilities.
Moose people either get this concept while still quite young, or struggle with finding their balance here from an early age. So, a Moose person could be one of those rare supremely confident, self-assured people who are at perfect peace with who they are, or they one of the many who wrestle with their own self-worth. Vanity or low self esteem can both be signs of an unbalanced Moose person. If you find yourself repetitively dealing with strange rashes, pimples, or other conditions that make you feel self-conscious or overly-worried about your appearance, Moose may be sending you a message. Look beyond the surface, stop getting caught up by your own shallow reflection and get busy living!
I’ve known several Moose people in the course of my life who are so concerned with appearances that they are convinced that they are “ugly” or “unlovable”. This is a highly destructive notion that will eventually destroy who you really are, and tear apart your entire life, most likely hurting others in the process! Appearances really don’t count for much in the long run. In fact, no matter how plain or marred our exterior, the Beauty of a serene, balanced and compassionate soul will shine through our shell and we will become inexplicably attractive to those around us.
Moose reminds us that it is unkind and unwise to judge, whether we are coming down on someone else or ourselves. Their hanging mobile lips enable them to skillfully remove food from a thorny source, but also serve to remind us to be especially mindful about how we speak as we shape our worlds through our words and actions. Moose’s attractiveness and charisma are powerful forces, and like cousin Elk, it is believed that once such a person sets their sites on you they are virtually irresistible! One can hear Moose’s song of love for approximately 6 miles, and you better get out of the way as the potential mates charge single-mindedly towards their siren call. Bulls have been known to charge cars that have gotten between them and a potential mate!
Moose are excellent swimmers, and can swim as fast as six miles an hour in the water. They can most often be found standing in water browsing on water lilies or other aquatic plants. “Moose” is an Algonquin term which translates as “twig-eater”, a sound observation of Moose’s eating habits as they eat the leaves, twigs and buds of hardwood and softwood trees and shrubs. In winter months they also like the twigs and bark of willow, balsam, birch, aspen and dogwood trees. Like Polar Bear, Moose hairs are hollow, giving them an exceptionally insulating and protective hide.
In fact, Moose are found in only Northern climates because of this and can’t really survive well anywhere that temperatures normally exceed about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Through this, Moose reminds us to have a thick hide, and not be so concerned with the words and opinions of others. Neither praise nor blame should have a place in our lives. Moose also teaches us that our emotions and emotional situations should be approached like a leisurely swim across a river. We should be refreshed and cleansed through the outlet of emotions as much of what feeds our souls in life will grow there. Most importantly, keep cool! We are at our most dangerous when we loose our cool.
Childhood can often be difficult for Moose people, but with proper nurturing they can blossom into the most interesting and effective adults. They need to develop a strong sense of self, confidence, and self-reliance in order to prosper in life. Because of this early start to extra-sensory abilities, Moose people should not be surprised that they don’t “awaken” or “come into their own” as adults. In a sense the lights are already on, they just need to learn to recognize that fact rather than looking for some great revelation. Autumn is the time of Moose and regardless of age, Moose people will experience a similar bounty in their lives whenever they become confident, and ripen into this Totem aspect of themselves.
Through these examples, Moose teaches us that romantic Love, while a wonderfully life-enhancing emotion, should not be taken to any great extremes either. Moose people have a tendency to give their whole hearts, to love with abandon and expect the same deep devotion and tender emotion from their mates. Moose people definitely wear their hearts on their sleeves and are typically forthright individuals. It is important for Moose people to remember to take time to be alone in comfortable silence though and allow themselves to re-charge. It is especially important that those whose “still waters run deep” choose their mates wisely, to behave reasonably even when we feel swept away by the power of our love and emotions. In cases where we have not chosen well, it is best to remember not to give in to feelings of vengeance, spite, or anger no matter the provocation. Accept that you simply have not found your true mate yet and send out your irresistible call a little wiser for the wear. We should accept no less than our equal when it comes to a life mate.
Moose’s shoulder hump reminds us of Buffalo’s lesson to put our dreams into action through hard work. We have the reserves necessary for the effort. All of these things combined make Moose a powerful and versatile Totem whose lessons are especially important to those who feel called by this Teacher. Perhaps the most vital of all Moose’s lessons for us though is simply to love and respect ourselves. Only when these things well and fill our own being can we truly give this gift to others. How does noble Moose appear in your life?
“Always act like you’re wearing an invisible crown.”Unknown
Bullwinkle: I’d like to apply for a job as an usher?
Boris: What experience have you had?
Bullwinkle: I’ve been in the dark for most of my life!
Potential Balancing Energies: Trees of all kinds like Pine, Elderberry, Willow, Cottonwood, or Alder, Birds like sparrow, vulture, crow, snowy owl, pine martin, and goose. other antlered Teachers like Deer or Elk, Animals like Bear, Wolf, squirrel, snowshoe hare, cougar, raccoon, otter, weasel, snake, seal, mouse, or bobcat. various Plants like Cranberry, Blueberry, Currant, Sedge, Alaskan Wild Rose, Reeds, Grasses, Lichens, Moss, and various Fungi, elements like Water or Earth. Sun, Moon, Stars, and the Northern Lights.
Key Concepts: Primal Feminine energy, nurturing self, Self Esteem (especially not looking beyond self for approval), Fruition/Harvest, the Power of Presence, Balanced Power (knowing when to be gentle, when to be forceful), Shape-shifting, Courage, Creation/Destruction, Receptivity
Associations, Gods/Goddesses, Mythic or Popular figures: Bullwinkle the Moose, Rutt and Took from Disney’s Brother Bear, Thidwich the Big-hearted Moose (Dr. Seuss), Autumn, Crown chakra, North and Grandmother energy
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