Friday, November 6, 2015

Order of the Iron Rose

Rust red and dusky black 
sullen tears of Mars.
We only reveal our 
argent shadows
once polished smooth.
We can help keep you
Cool, calm, collected
well centered
well grounded
well organized
physically, mentally, emotionally
Confident, courageous
relieved of anxieties
Hot flashes of stress or temper
Feeling fit and ready for combat
Safe inside our sphere of influence
where no negativity can breech our defense
you can choose and plan your battles wisely
We can draw you 
into moments of meditative ease 
where you can make more choices 
that will balance body mind and spirit
We will teach you 
how to spin
a strong silver chord
for your travels, 
young warrior,
that you may always find your way home
We stimulate your survival center
unlocking ancestral memories
sharpening mental focus
Cut us
We will bleed for you
Loyal soldiers 
with magnetic personalities
We stand ready to help you regroup 
after any difficulty
Sleep soundly and heal
We've got your back

For those new to the game, each piece is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant, etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today? 

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