Friday, January 20, 2017

Shuffling Gumshoe Blues

Dropping my false mustache and glasses
I stop blending into the scenery
and leap from hiding
Four undulating arms
Four sticky gumshoes
perambulating across
Poseidon's dancing floor
with an agile curious grace
I tip my hat

"Hello, Shweetheart
The jig is up
No one plays me for a sucker!
I have three hearts 
Two branchial
One systemic
all on my sleeve for you.
You're Magic
All legs,
staring at me with those
hypnotic eyes of yours

I'm sick of swimming
through dark alleys
shaking down every dank crevice
for a chance to grab a fin.
I put the I in Intelligence alright
Solving puzzles and 
Unraveling mysteries
Mysteries like
"Will the next dive cough up a meal? or
Is today the day I end up tanked,
or worse, as calamari?"

Shuffling off alone
at the end of every day
only to bonelessly tuck myself away
in some hole in the wall
We deserve better
than Illusion, Shweetheart

So lets wrap our mitts
around the future
pull it close
Leave behind
anything holding us back
We'll recoup
any petty losses
Let's dust!

Be my Main Squeeze
Come away with me  
to a tropical paradise
my hidden garden grotto
Where the sharks 
will never loan us a dime
We'll vanish without a trace
in a puff of smoke

Bend, Dollface
Be flexible, creative and
We'll dine in style
Crab, lobster, eel juice, the works
Choice tidbits for a choice dame
My personal femme fatale"

For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Can you guess who is singing today?

Monday, January 9, 2017

Intuitive Conservation

Beneath the Moon's broad beams,
We careen, cartwheel, sidle, 
sashay, tap and jig across the shores
Thousands of us worldwide
Living oft unnoticed 
amid the humble sands 
creative fertile mud
tidal pools
Exploring amongst the algae 
foraging about the fungi,
shy or bold by turns as intuition dictates
Evolving in periods of solitude 
Molting through 
our internalized deliberations
Transforming to survive
Bringing messages of protection, cycles, of home
Heralding ancestral history, prosperity, or success
through deep meanings and shallow observations
since the Jurassic began.

Red, blue, and calico 
stone or snow, 
fiddler or spider
lady and king 
Calcium carbonate armor
never rusts 
sheltering our tender wisdom.
Though oft regarded as a churl
a moody grouch
crouched between helmet and shield;
a cast of curmudgeons
dodgy codgers.
We're sensitive souls
craving the safety of domestic harmony
where we can find comfort and safe harbor 
from all predators 
as well as the brewing storms 
of our own emotions, worries, doubts. 

We sing of the wisdom
of Trust, Community, Charity
Handsome is as handsome does.
Our paths seldom seems direct
arms akimbo as we traverse obstacles
Yet, We'll guide you true
Teach you 
how to be sensitive to every vibration
to thriftily calculate your risks
move with poise
Raising Awareness 
and environmental health

Even from our modest place among the stars
embodying the second labor of Herculean fame
we can set you straight
Enduring emblem of status
High society hermit
Should you catch sight 
of my skittering carapace
you'll know 
Protection and Trust
are the catches of the day.

For those new to the game, each poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; a star, stone, animal, plant etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for us. Congrats to Jan and Sharonlee for naming this Teacher. Can you guess who is singing today?

Between oceans, fresh water and land, there are over 6000 species of crab separated into two categories. They can be found under the Antarctic, near under-sea volcanic vents, and one dominantly land species might even be found climb trees. True crabs, or brachyurans, which have a very short abdomen and use four pairs of long legs for walking. True crabs include blue crabs, spider crabs, and ghost crabs. 

Second are false crabs, or anomurans, which have a longer abdominal section and fewer walking legs. False crabs include hermit crabs, king crabs, and squat lobsters. Crabs, lobsters, prawn, shrimp, and crayfish are all decapods, crustaceans with ten limbs. They have compound eyes on stalks that can move in any direction needed.  

Crabs are invertebrates. Their shell is their skeleton which they molt as they outgrow. Most have flat bodies which allow them to squeeze into tight crevices. All crabs have two pincer claws and four pairs of walking legs. Their pincers can be used as a vise, scissors, or like chopsticks. Should they lose a limb in a narrow escape, they will eventually regrow it. Japanese Spider crabs are the largest species in the world measuring up to 13 feet across, and up to a 100 years in age! The smallest species, the Pea Crab, grows to the size of its namesake. 

Females can only mate when they molt, therefore when she is ready to shed her old shell she will excrete a pheromone attractive to males. Once the female chooses a mate from her fighting suitors, she typically attaches herself to his back where she remains until he has given her his sperm sac and her new shell has hardened. Most species molt up to 7 times their first year before settling into an annual or bi-annual routine.

Crabs lay thousands of eggs at one time. Typically females carry them beneath their abdomens for a period of days or weeks before hatching pin-head sized crab larvae. In some species the male is the egg carrier. Crabs communicate by moving or drumming their pincers, and a group of these crustaceans is known as a cast. 

True crabs can walk slowly in any direction, but their fastest pace is at a slant. As long as they can keep their gills moist they have few problems traveling on land. This Crab lesson reminds us of the advice that not all of our goals can be reached by a direct path, so attempt a different angle or perspective. to obtain that goal or solve your problem. No carbs or sugars and low calorie, so also a free food for diabetics; crab is an excellent source of protein. A tasty delicacy, crab meat is so high in vitamin b-12 that just 2-3 ounces will supply an adult with their daily requirement. 

Some species will use tools, like carrying stinging sea anemones for additional protection, or attaching them to their shells to camouflage their appearance. They may even work together to catch food or protect families. Community is a key Crab lesson with Co-operative effort and Conservation being important tools. 

Omnivorous, they are part of the Ocean's clean up crew eating detritus, dead plants and animals, algae, worms, insects smaller fish/amphibians/crustaceans. Predators included otters, octopuses, seagulls, osprey, larger fish with powerful jaws, turtles, seals, and humans. Crab not only relies on its environment, it is a willing partner and encourages us to become knowledgeable active Caretakers too. 

Crab reminds us that most often, the old and dead need to be cleared away to make room for the growth of new Life. Crab asks us to be mindful of what needs cleared away or recycled in our own lives so that our next cycle of learning/healing/transformation can begin.

Perhaps the easiest Crab lesson to spot is that of being mindful of our Emotions. This Teacher encourages us to explore and form understanding of all our emotions from joy to despair. Crabs are often used to depict anger, sensitivity, pugnaciousness, cynicism, grouchiness, sulkiness and stubbornness. Behaving like a "grouchy crab" is a sure sign that something is bothering us. This Teacher wants us to get in touch with that and address it with Awareness rather than take it out on those around us.

Feeling touchy? Taking things too seriously, over-reacting, or seeing insults where there are none are also warning signs. Bottling things up becomes a ticking time bomb, nor should we be carrying around a bunch of petty grievances in our emotional pocket book. Crab asks us to look after our emotions, responses, and general emotional well being diligently, honestly. Take time to examine your goals, reactions, choices, actions regularly. This Teacher excels at showing us how to protect our soft sensitive sides while taking action.

Target areas for improvement, recycle what does and get rid of whatever no longer works for you. If you think you have no room for improvement this Teacher will show you the error of your ways. Pride and Humility must be balanced to produce the best effect. Creating effective personal shields, armor, and when to use them are also key lessons for those studying Crab. A wonderful Singer for strongly empathetic people having difficulty in crowds. Crab says, "Trust in the Universe to provide for all your needs, yet work always to be worthy of that trust."  

Keywords: Trust, Protection/Vulnerability, Cycles/Transformation, Emotion, Regeneration/Recycling/Renewal, Community, Conservation, Status, Pride/Humility 

Associated with: water, oceans, rivers, sea and water creatures like Crios/Carcinus, mermaids and naiads. Deities of water and fishes like Mannon, Vedenemo, Vellamo, Poseidon/Neptune, Venus/Aphrodite, and Phorcys. The Cancer sign in Greek zodiac    

Potential Balancing Energies: Other crustaceans like shrimp or crayfish. Animals like fish, turtles, seals, seagulls, osprey, octopuses, otters, whales, jellyfish, frogs and other amphibians, algae, plants and fungi. Water/Ocean, the stars in the Cancer constellation.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

All of Our Deeds Come Home to Roost

I crack the shell 
of unreasoning darkness 
with my audacious song.
Rousting you 
from the safe familiar nest 
of your dreams.
Greet the dawning 
of a new illumination
and strive to see the Truth 
from the inside out,
for appearances 
are seldom what they seem!
Take heed!
Brooding over unhatched plans,
gossiping and clucking 
with self-righteous disapproval
or crowing over our accomplishments
will only get someone's hackles up,
breeding misery and strife.
Attentive observation, 
self-assurance and honest work
bring far better results.
Scratching for a living? 
Keep pecking away at your obstacles.
We all strut and fret our way through life.
To thine own self be true,
yet fight fiercely when you must
to establish your place 
within the order of the group.
There is safety in numbers
and a lightened load.
you may simply find yourself 
in hot soup!
We can only reap 
that which we sow.
If you put no effort in,
you receive nothing,
and naught of value will grow.

For those new to the game, each singing poem is inspired by a Teacher found in Nature; an animal, plant, star, stone etc that holds lessons of Wisdom for those who listen. Can you guess who is singing today?

How many species of chicken are there in the world? Nobody is really sure as it seems like everyone has been keeping a different count. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as of 2020 the global chicken population was estimated to be 33 billion birds, 46% being in Asia. More than 1,600 recognized breeds either egg before chick or other way around, the result of centuries of natural selection, cross-breeding and breeding within flocks ruffle feathers around our world. That is something to crow about! 

Commercial egg laying hens can produce as many as 300 eggs in a year, while most indigenous breeds maintain broods of 30-40 a year. Hens have a strong instinct to brood; to protect, sit consistently, hatch their eggs, and care for vulnerable chicks which increases rate of success. Hens begin communicating with their chicks while still in the egg using a combination of clucks, chirps, and purring noises. They are capable of at least 30 different vocalizations each with a separate meaning from calling the kids in for the night to letting them know the food is on the table. 

A rooster mates with and protects his flock of hens, warning of predators loudly, and often attacking outright with wicked spurs along their feet and sharp beak. Foxes, coyotes, weasels, raptors and raccoons are common predators to a chicken coop. If there is no rooster resident, a lead hen will step into the rooster's duties. 

Chickens can dream while they sleep, but like horses they sleep with half of their brain at a time. An evolutionary adaptation that let them watch out for predators while still resting, they can literally sleep with one eye open. Their color vision is better than ours having a well-organized eye with five types of light receptors giving them sensory capabilities like telescopic eyesight and almost 360 degree field of vision. They are also, like all birds, the closest living relative to dinosaurs. 

Recent studies show that chickens display complex problem-solving skills, understand cause and effect, can pass on their knowledge to others, and have exhibited behaviors like worry and self-control. Chicks as young as 2 days old show an understanding of object permanence which we don't develop until we are 6 months old. Not every animal even develops this concept. They have excellent memories, can recognize up to 100 faces as well as solve puzzles. Which means they have a sense of fun and like to play.

They are omnivorous. Chickens eat grains, various plants, insects, grubs, worms, small invertebrates and even mice or other small birds. They are tiny velociraptors, remember? There is always a pecking order, a hierarchy, established early on in which everyone knows their place. 

Symbolically speaking the Hen and her strutting companion the Rooster run the spectrum from ideally balanced couple who seem born to tango, communicate well on all levels and keep the perfect nest. All the way to the overly broody housewife with too many kids who is always pecking at the flashy no-good fella who always seems to be stepping out with some other chick. Unbalanced Chicken people can be gossipy, pick at things for no good purpose, start rumors and stir shit up sometimes just for the perceived goal of getting a higher spot in the pecking order. 

Balanced Chicken people are usually the exemplary of Mother or Father leader figures. The Mother Hens of the group regardless of age or setting who make sure everyone is accounted for and safe. Worrying too much or behaving in too controlling a manner in this area turns that kind Mother Hen into clucking mess though. There are parents and people who fancy themselves parental figures who are Broody Hens, Cocky Roosters. These folk think they know best and have put themselves in charge. They do not communicate; they tell you how they want things done. They usually don't do any of the work in making the bread when in the workplace either, they just do a lot of strutting, clucking and crowing. 

Wise, brave, loyal, humble communicative is how we see this Nature Teacher when Balanced. Foolish, cowardly, treacherous, brash and a babbling gossip when Unbalanced. Always asking us who do you think came first? They are the symbol of self-cultivation and awareness. Isolation, self-negligence (we can hen-peck ourselves too), aggressiveness, arrogance are all signs that you may benefit from communication with this Nature Teacher. 

Keywords: Community, Communication, Renewal, Humility, Nourishment, Courage, Sacrifice, Responsibility, Honor/Respect/Reputation, Fertility, Parenting, Dedication, Resilience, Vigilance

Associated with: Sunrise/dawn, awakening, protection against evil, Asclepius, Minerva, Mars, Apollo, Alechtryon, Aditi, Wele Xalaba, Lugus, 

Potential Balancing energies: plants like chickweed, wheat, amaranth, corn, strawberries, lavender, mint, parsley, marigold, nasturtium, clover, daisies, chicory, or thyme. worms and insects like ticks, ants, caterpillars, flies, crickets, grasshoppers, moths, butterflies, and beetles. Other birds and animals like hawks, owls, foxes, stoats, weasels, turkeys, ducks, raccoons, crows, cats, frogs, lizards, snakes, and mice.